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Xeokit screenshot.png
Website: xeokit.io
Source: github
License: AGPL3 / dual
Bugs: report bugs
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Maturity: Category:?
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Red curve on white disc 128px.png Software Directory

"xeokit is a Web Programming Toolkit for AEC Graphics and 3D graphics SDK from xeolabs for BIM and AEC. Built to view huge models in the browser. Used by industry leaders."

Xeokit allows for viewing IFC models, viewing point clouds, combining multiple models for viewing and creating automatic floor plans. It can also collaborate with other software via BIM_Collaboration_Format_(BCF).

See also[edit]

External References[edit]

  • gemini-viewer is a WebGL BIM Viewer based on xeoKit-sdk, written with TypeScript. (AGPLv3 license)