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m (→Samples from web: Add last ifcopenshell academy samples) |
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!Version | !Version | ||
!Additional infos | !Additional infos | ||
+ | |- | ||
+ | | [http://academy.ifcopenshell.org/optimize-ifc-files/ http://academy.ifcopenshell.org/optimize-ifc-files/] | ||
+ | | python | ||
+ | | 0.6.0-0d93633 | ||
+ | |- | ||
+ | | [http://academy.ifcopenshell.org/calculate-differences-of-ifc-files-with-hashing/ Calculate Differences of IFC files with Hashing] | ||
+ | | python | ||
+ | | 0.6.0-0d93633 | ||
|- | |- | ||
|[https://pythoncvc.net/?p=851 Understanding placements in IFC using IfcOpenShell and FreeCAD] | |[https://pythoncvc.net/?p=851 Understanding placements in IFC using IfcOpenShell and FreeCAD] |
Revision as of 08:42, 22 March 2021
This page is part of a series about Starting to code. All articles in the series can be found in the Category:Start_coding |
Before getting started, you may be interested in Using the Python console with BlenderBIM Add-on, to quickly install all the software and development environment you need for writing and running code, without any administrator privileges required. You may also find it useful watching this video which is complementary.
Crash course
To load a file, you'll need to import IfcOpenShell and store the IFC file in a variable. We'll use the variable ifc
. The ifc
will be then used throughout.
import ifcopenshell
ifc = ifcopenshell.open('/path/to/your/file.ifc')
Let's see what IFC schema we are using:
print(ifc.schema) # May return IFC2X3 or IFC4
Let's get the first piece of data in our IFC file:
But getting data from beginning to end isn't too meaningful to humans. What if we knew a GlobalId
value instead?
If we're not looking specifically for a single element, perhaps let's see how many walls are in our file, and count them:
walls = ifc.by_type('IfcWall')
Once we have an element, we can see what IFC class it is:
wall = ifc.by_type('IfcWall')[0]
print(wall.is_a()) # Returns 'IfcWall'
You can also test if it is a certain class, as well as check for parent classes too:
print(wall.is_a('IfcWall')) # Returns True
print(wall.is_a('IfcElement')) # Returns True
print(wall.is_a('IfcWindow')) # Returns False
Let's quickly check the STEP ID of our element:
Let's get some attributes of an element. IFC attributes have a particular order. We can access it just like a list, so let's get the first and third attribute:
print(wall[0]) # The first attribute is the GlobalId
print(wall[2]) # The third attribute is the Name
Knowing the order of attributes is boring and technical. We can access them by name too:
Getting attributes one by one is tedious. Let's grab them all:
print(wall.get_info()) # Gives us a dictionary of attributes, such as {'id': 8, 'type': 'IfcWall', 'GlobalId': '2_qMTAIHrEYu0vYcqK8cBX', ... }
Let's see all the properties and quantities associated with this wall:
import ifcopenshell.util
import ifcopenshell.util.element
Some attributes are special, called "inverse attributes". They happen when another element is referencing our element. They can reference it for many reasons, like to define a relationship, such as if they create a void in our wall, join our wall, or define a quantity take-off value for our wall, among others. Just treat them like regular attributes:
Perhaps we want to see all elements which are referencing our wall?
Let's do the opposite, let's see all the elements which our wall references instead:
print(ifc.traverse(wall, max_levels=1)) # Or, let's just go down one level deep
If you want to modify data, just assign it to the relevant attribute:
wall.Name = 'My new wall name'
You can also generate new GlobalId
wall.GlobalId = ifcopenshell.guid.new()
After modifying some IFC data, you can save it to a new IFC-SPF file:
You can generate a new IFC from scratch too, instead of reading an existing one:
ifc = ifcopenshell.file()
# Or if you want a particular schema:
ifc = ifcopenshell.file(schema='IFC4')
You can create new IFC elements, and add it either to an existing or newly created IFC file object:
new_wall = ifc.createIfcWall() # Will return #1=IfcWall($,$,$,$,$,$,$,$,$) - notice all of the attributes are blank!
print(ifc.by_type('IfcWall')) # Will return a list with our wall in it: [#1=IfcWall($,$,$,$,$,$,$,$,$)]
Alternatively, you can also use this way to create new elements:
Specifying more arguments lets you fill in attributes while creating the element instead of assigning them separately. You specify them in the order of the attributes.
ifc.create_entity('IfcWall', ifcopenshell.guid.new()) # Gives us #1=IfcWall('0EI0MSHbX9gg8Fxwar7lL8',$,$,$,$,$,$,$,$)
Again, knowing the order of attributes is difficult, so you can use keyword arguments instead:
ifc.create_entity('IfcWall', GlobalId=ifcopenshell.guid.new(), Name='Wall Name') # Gives us #1=IfcWall('0EI0MSHbX9gg8Fxwar7lL8',$,'Wall Name',$,$,$,$,$,$)
Sometimes, it's easier to expand a dictionary:
data = {
'GlobalId': ifcopenshell.guid.new(),
'Name': 'Wall Name'
ifc.create_entity('IfcWall', **data)
Some attributes of an element aren't just text, they may be a reference to another element. Easy:
wall = ifc.createIfcWall()
wall.OwnerHistory = ifc.createIfcOwnerHistory()
What if we already have an element from one IFC file and want to add it to another?
wall = ifc.by_type('IfcWall')[0]
new_ifc = ifcopenshell.file()
Fed up with an object? Let's delete it:
Geometry processing
The usage of IfcOpenShell for geometry processing is currently considered to be moderate to advanced. There are two approaches to processing geometry. One approach is to traverse the Representation
attribute of the IFC element, and parse it yourself. This requires an in-depth understanding of IFC geometric representations, as well as its many caveats with units and transformations, but can be very simple to extract specific types of geometry. The second approach is to use IfcOpenShell's shape processing features, which will convert almost all IFC representations into a triangulated mesh. Regardless of the source format, once it is in a mesh representation, you may use standard mesh geometry processing algorithms to analyse the geometry. This makes it easier to write generic code for any representation, but may be harder to extract certain geometric features.
Note: this article is a work in progress.
TODO: talk about naming in ids.
import multiprocessing
import ifcopenshell
import ifcopenshell.geom
ifc_file = ifcopenshell.open('/path/to/your/file.ifc')
settings = ifcopenshell.geom.settings()
iterator = ifcopenshell.geom.iterator(settings, ifc_file, multiprocessing.cpu_count())
valid_file = iterator.initialize()
if valid_file:
while True:
shape = iterator.get()
element = ifc_file.by_guid(shape.guid)
if not iterator.next():
IFC Query Syntax
Sometimes, you'd like to query an IFC file for a series of elements. It is possible to write this out manually, by means of functions like by_type()
and if
statements, and for
loops. However, a shorthand query syntax has been invented that makes this process much easier. This is made available in the ifcopenshell.util.selector
In this simple example below, we use the #
and .
prefix to our query tells it that we want to search by IFC GlobalId
and class type respectively. Whitespace is optional in queries, but is used in these examples for readability.
import ifcopenshell.util
from ifcopenshell.util.selector import Selector
ifc = ifcopenshell.open('/path/to/your/file.ifc')
selector = Selector()
element = selector.parse(ifc, '#2MLFd4X2f0jRq28Dvww1Vm') # Equivalent to ifc.by_guid('2MLFd4X2f0jRq28Dvww1Vm')
walls = selector.parse(ifc, '.IfcWall') # This is equivalent to ifc.by_type('IfcWall')
It is also possible to search by any attribute:
# This is equivalent to searching by GlobalId
elements = selector.parse(ifc, '.IfcSlab[GlobalId = "2MLFd4X2f0jRq28Dvww1Vm"]')
# This finds all slabs with "Precast" (case-sensitive) in the Name
elements = selector.parse(ifc, '.IfcSlab[Name *= "Precast"]')
# This finds all slabs which have a quantified net volume greater than 10 units
elements = selector.parse(ifc, '.IfcSlab[Qto_SlabBaseQuantities.NetVolume > "10"]')
# This finds all walls which have a particular fire rating property
elements = selector.parse(ifc, '.IfcWall[Pset_WallCommon.FireRating = "2HR"]')
You can also search by spatial containment using the @
symbol, for example:
# If 0ehnsYoIDA7wC8yu69IDjv is the GlobalId of an IfcBuildingStorey, this gets all of the elements in that storey.
elements = selector.parse(ifc, '@ #0ehnsYoIDA7wC8yu69IDjv')
Or by type using the *
# If 1uVUwUxTX9Jg1NHVw5KZhI is the GlobalId of an IfcTypeElement, this gets all of the elements of that type.
elements = selector.parse(ifc, '* #1uVUwUxTX9Jg1NHVw5KZhI')
You can use AND
and OR
statements, using the &
and |
symbols respectively:
# This gets all the 2HR fire rated walls in a particular building storey:
elements = selector.parse(ifc, '@ #0ehnsYoIDA7wC8yu69IDjv & .IfcWall[Pset_WallCommon.FireRating = "2HR"]')
# This is equivalent to walls = ifc.by_type('IfcWall') + ifc.by_type('IfcSlab'), i.e. all walls and slabs
elements = selector.parse(ifc, '.IfcWall | .IfcSlab')
You can also use parenthesis to group queries and combine them:
# This gets all walls and slabs in a particular building storey
elements = selector.parse(ifc, '@ #0ehnsYoIDA7wC8yu69IDjv & ( .IfcWall | .IfcSlab )')
Exploring IFC schema
Get Schema :
import ifcopenshell
schema = ifcopenshell.ifcopenshell_wrapper.schema_by_name("IFC4")
Explore class attributes :
>>> ifc_pipe = schema.declaration_by_name("IfcPipeSegment")
>>> ifc_pipe.all_attributes()
(<attribute GlobalId: <type IfcGloballyUniqueId: <string>>>,
<attribute OwnerHistory?: <entity IfcOwnerHistory>>,
<attribute Name?: <type IfcLabel: <string>>>,
<attribute Description?: <type IfcText: <string>>>,
<attribute ObjectType?: <type IfcLabel: <string>>>,
<attribute ObjectPlacement?: <entity IfcObjectPlacement>>,
<attribute Representation?: <entity IfcProductRepresentation>>,
<attribute Tag?: <type IfcIdentifier: <string>>>,
<attribute PredefinedType?: <enumeration IfcPipeSegmentTypeEnum: (CULVERT, FLEXIBLESEGMENT, GUTTER, NOTDEFINED, RIGIDSEGMENT, SPOOL, USERDEFINED)>>)
>>> ifc_pipe.attribute_count()
>>> ifc_pipe.attribute_by_index(0)
<attribute GlobalId: <type IfcGloballyUniqueId: <string>>>
>>> ifc_pipe.attribute_index("Description")
>>> predefined_type = ifc_pipe.attribute_by_index(8)
>>> predefined_type.name()
>>> predefined_type.optional()
>>> predefined_type.type_of_attribute()
# from name you can then recursively explore how create an entity as described above
>>> predefined_type.type_of_attribute().declared_type().name()
Get supertype :
>>> ifc_pipe.supertype()
<entity IfcFlowSegment>
Get subtypes :
>>> super_type = ifc_pipe.supertype()
>>> super_type.subtypes()
(<entity IfcCableCarrierSegment>,
<entity IfcCableSegment>,
<entity IfcDuctSegment>,
<entity IfcPipeSegment>)
Property and quantity sets (Pset and Qto)
First import util for psets and qtos and initialise main class with schema name:
>>> import ifcopenshell.util.pset
>>> from ifcopenshell import util
>>> pset_qto = util.pset.PsetQto("IFC4")
Get all applicable psets/qtos names for a certain class :
>>> pset_qto.get_applicable_names("IfcMaterial")
You can also get a list of all applicable pset/qto templates to get more information:
>>> pset_qto.get_applicable("IfcMaterial")[0]
#22772=IfcPropertySetTemplate('3Eppg0qUmHuO00025QrE$V',$,'Pset_MaterialCommon','A set of general material properties.',.PSET_TYPEDRIVENOVERRIDE.,'IfcMaterial',(#22775,#22778,#22781))
You can also retrieve a standard Pset by name:
>>> pset_template = pset_qto.get_by_name("Pset_MaterialCommon")
>>> pset_template
#22772=IfcPropertySetTemplate('3Eppg0qUmHuO00025QrE$V',$,'Pset_MaterialCommon','A set of general material,'IfcMaterial',(#22775,#22778,#22781))
>>> pset_template.get_info()
{'id': 22772,
'type': 'IfcPropertySetTemplate',
'GlobalId': '3Eppg0qUmHuO00025QrE$V',
'OwnerHistory': None,
'Name': 'Pset_MaterialCommon',
'Description': 'A set of general material properties.',
'ApplicableEntity': 'IfcMaterial',
'HasPropertyTemplates': (#22775=IfcSimplePropertyTemplate('3IOi60qUmHuO00025QrE$V',$,'MolecularWeight','Molecular weight of material (typically gas).',.P_SINGLEVALUE.,'IfcMolecularWeightMeasure','',$,$,$,$,.READWRITE.),
#22778=IfcSimplePropertyTemplate('3OMAA0qUmHuO00025QrE$V',$,'Porosity','The void fraction of the total volume occupied by material (Vbr - Vnet)/Vbr.',.P_SINGLEVALUE.,'IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure','',$,$,$,$,.READWRITE.),
#22781=IfcSimplePropertyTemplate('3TjUq0qUmHuO00025QrE$V',$,'MassDensity','Material mass density.',.P_SINGLEVALUE.,'IfcMassDensityMeasure','',$,$,$,$,.READWRITE.))}
Date and time in IFC
Date and time conversion can be error prone. Fortunately IFC has chosen wide used definitions so standard python datetime and time modules have tools to handle most of them.
IfcTimeStamp is the elapsed number of seconds since 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. See wikipedia for more detailed explanations. It is typically used to record when you create or modify an IFC object. Warning while python output a float, IFC expect an integer.
import time
# To store current time
# To convert it to datetime (UTC+1 in this example)
>>> import datetime
>>> datetime.fromtimestamp(0)
datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 1, 0)
>>> datetime.fromtimestamp(1610829915)
datetime.datetime(2021, 1, 16, 21, 45, 15)
IfcDateTime is stored in ISO 8601 format : YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss Convert back and forth :
from datetime import datetime
>>> dt = datetime.fromisoformat("2021-01-16T21:45:15")
>>> dt
datetime.datetime(2021, 1, 16, 21, 45, 15)
>>> dt.isoformat()
IfcDate is similar to IfcDateTime but without the time part : YYYY-MM-DD
You can use datetime.date
instead of datetime.datetime
the same way.
IfcTime is similar to IfcDateTime but without the date part : hh:mm:ss
You can use datetime.time
instead of datetime.datetime
the same way.
IfcDuration is used to store a time interval (eg. time to perform a task) in ISO 8601 format. There is apparently no ready to use standard python module to handle it. It can be handled using regular expressions. For format given as example in IFC documentation :
>>> import re
>>> re.match("P(\d+)Y(\d+)M(\d+)DT(\d+)H(\d+)M(\d+)S", "P2Y10M15DT10H30M20S").groups()
('2', '10', '15', '10', '30', '20')
To handle all available formatting options defined in ISO 8601 a more complex regular expression is required like following. You can test it on pythex.
Warning: Deprecated: IFC2X3 only |
Similar to IfcDate
but in a different format. It has 3 attribute for day, month and year.
>>> from datetime import date
>>> import ifcopenshell
>>> ifc = ifcopenshell.file(schema="IFC2X3")
>>> ifc_date = ifc.createIfcCalendarDate(16, 1, 2021)
>>> py_date = date(ifc_date.YearComponent, ifc_date.MonthComponent, ifc_date.DayComponent)
>>> py_date
datetime.date(2021, 1, 16)
>>> ifc.createIfcCalendarDate(py_date.day, py_date.month, py_date.year)