
From Wiki.OSArch
Revision as of 22:02, 2 November 2020 by Duncan (talk | contribs) (compacting a bit)
Icon OpenProject 64x64.png OpenProject OpenProject is the leading open source project management software. Support your project management process along the entire project life cycle: From project initiation to closure. Includes support for browser based IFC viewing and issue tracking using BCF[1] GPL-3.0


With the Community Edition you can host OpenProject yourself on-premises for free. With the hosted Cloud Edition you can try a 14 day trial period and play around with it.


The IFC viewer is based on Xeokit (AGPL). This allows browsing and discussing IFC models for everyone with a browser and Internet connection.

The IFC files get converted to Xeokit's file formats for fast browsing on the web.


OpenProject supports BCF XML 2.1 import and export of static files. For multi user environments some endpoints for the REST based BCF-API are already available and are used from within the web front end. Implementing missing endpoints are on the near development roadmap.

Revit Add-in (GPL-3.0)

The OpenProject Revit Add-in is currently under development. It is a fork of the BCFier code. It updates the support for BCF 2.1 and to latest Revit version. However, the goal is to facilitate almost real time collaboration. So the the Add-in loads OpenProject in a small web browser and is able to communicate with Revit underneath. This way users can enjoy all the features of OpenProject while still in the context of Revit. (If you are a Revit Add-in developer and looking for job, let us know)
