MicroMVDs for exchange requirements/Element classes MicroMVD

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< MicroMVDs for exchange requirements
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BuildingSMART-Logo 64x64.png This page is about MVD - Model View Definitions. Full documentation is available at the buildingSMART site. All articles in the OSArch wiki related to Model View Definitions (MVD) can be seen in the Model View Definitions (MVD) Category

The following MicroMVD vocabulary can be used to ensure Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) elements belong to the correct IFC class.

Feature: Element classes

In order to correctly identify objects
As any interested stakeholder filtering objects for a particular purpose
All IFC elements must belong to the appropriate IFC class

Scenario: Receiving a file
 * The IFC file "{file}" must be provided
 * IFC data must use the {schema} schema

Scenario: Ensure all IFC type elements use the correct IFC class
 * The element {guid} is an {ifc_class}
 * The element {guid} is an {ifc_class} only
 * The element {guid} is further defined as a {predefined_type}
 * The element {guid} should not exist because {reason}

You can fill out the variables using the guide below.

Variable Example Description
{file} project.ifc The filename or path to any IFC file.
{schema} IFC4 The schema version. At the moment, these are likely to be either IFC4 or IFC2X3.
{guid} 28q3AgmxP5cepIweO5Of$o This is a 22 character GlobalId for a particular IFC element.
{ifc_class} IfcWall This case insensitive text value must correspond to the full name of an IFC class.
{predefined_type} BEAM This case insensitive text value must correspond to the predefined type of an IFC class, or a custom object type.
{reason} we don't need it You can write anything here to describe any reason.