MicroMVDs for exchange requirements/COBie MicroMVD
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< MicroMVDs for exchange requirements(Redirected from COBie MicroMVD)
This page is about MVD - Model View Definitions. Full documentation is available at the buildingSMART site. All articles in the OSArch wiki related to Model View Definitions (MVD) can be seen in the Model View Definitions (MVD) Category |
The following MicroMVD vocabulary can be used to check against the successfully exchange of COBie - Construction Operations Building Information Exchange data.
Note that the vocabulary is not currently exhaustive.
Test definition | Justification |
Given the IFC file "{file}"
An IFC-SPF file is the expected format for COBie data |
Then the file should be an {schema} file
COBie data must conform to a client-nominated schema. |
Then the element {id} is an {ifc_class}
COBie data must only apply to maintainable assets. By default, the COBie standard states that an asset is maintainable when it belongs to a particular IFC class. A client may also provide a list of IFC classes that define a maintainable asset to override the default list. Correct IFC classification forms the basis of all maintainable asset categorisation. |
Then all {ifc_class} elements have a name matching the pattern "{pattern}"
Although COBie does not mandate a naming scheme, COBie elements are identified by their name, and so a consistent naming pattern will be established with the client and will be audited. |
Then all {ifc_class} elements have an? {property_path} property
A large variety of COBie data is stored in property sets. |
Then all {ifc_class} elements have an? {property_path} property
A large variety of COBie data is stored in property sets. |
Then all {ifc_class} elements have an? {attribute} attribute
Some COBie data, such as Description is stored in element attributes. |
Then there is a site named "{name}"
COBie data groups assets into facilities and sites. |
Then there is a building named "{name}"
COBie data groups assets into facilities and sites. |