Difference between revisions of "BlenderBIM Add-on/IFC Patch Recipes"

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m (changed the path slash, however did not have permissons to upload an new image)
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== MergeProject ==
== MergeProject ==
[[File:MergeProject screenshot.png]]

Revision as of 18:31, 18 October 2022

Code for IFC Patch Recipes in located here.

For Windows use \\, for Mac and GNU/Linux use / in the path




The arguments for OffsetObjectPlacements are a list of numbers. If you specify 3 numbers [X,Y,Z], the coordinates will be offset by X, Y, Z. If you specify 4 numbers [X,Y,Z,Az], it will be offset by X, Y, Z and rotated along the Z axis by Az. If you specify 6 numbers [X,Y,Z,Ax,Ay,Az] it will translate along all three axes and also rotate along all three axes. -source


Consolidates redundant non-rooted entities, like the following example, down to one entity.

#45=IFCOWNERHISTORY(#9,#8,.READWRITE.,.MODIFIED.,1629040293,#9,#8,1629040293); #52=IFCOWNERHISTORY(#9,#8,.READWRITE.,.MODIFIED.,1629040293,#9,#8,1629040293);
