AECO Workflow Examples

From Wiki.OSArch
Revision as of 17:48, 12 November 2020 by Theoryshaw (talk | contribs)

This page describes an example workflow. See similar pages visit the example workflow category

Open Source House by Studiolada (2020)

The OpenSource House by Studiolada is a compact residential project by French architecture practice studiolada

The project has been features on many architecture and design websites: archdaily, countryliving, stylepark

A group of FreeCAD users have begun reconstructing the project as a way to drive knowledge and development in FreeCAD. Feel free to join them and learn how it's done!

Open Source House by Studiolada ARCH 2020-05-04.png Open Source House by Studiolada FEM 2020-05-20.JPG

Wikilab project by uncreated (2017)

The Wikilab project (2017) designed by architecture network and built. You can read about the Wikilab and about the Wikilab files (EN) and then download the Wikilab files/translate site. You can even View the model in 3d. The wikilab project uses the wikihouse construction principles. Feel free to take a look at the PDF presentation of the wikilab (in Portuguese).

Wikilab drawing.jpgWikihouse presentation p7.jpg

Architecture 3D models created in FreeCAD

List of 3D models of famous architectural projects, recreated using FreeCAD software. The list includes links to the files repositories.


The Mad Scientists Lair (2020)

The Mad Scientists Lair is a fictional project we are just starting which can be a technology showcase for libre software solutions.

Mad scientist house.png Mad scientist house plan.png

szzer/House (2020)

Family house designed by a FreeCAD user (szzer) and documented in the FreeCAD official forum.

Project's files repository

FreeCAD forum discussion

140m2 Family House (2020)

Family house designed by a FreeCAD user (bitacovir) and documented in the OSArch forum.

Forum's discusion

Files will be available soon.

Design for a staircase (2017)

Design, documentation and construction of a staircase for a little holiday house, by a FreeCAD user (marzof). The project and photos of the final result were shown in the FreeCAD forum.

Project's files repository

FreeCAD forum discussion

Residence in Atlanta, GA (2020 - currently ongoing)

Designed by OpeningDesign and is currently modeled in BlenderBIM. Team communication happens here and source files live here.