MicroMVDs for exchange requirements/Project setup MicroMVD

From Wiki.OSArch

The following MicroMVD vocabulary can be used to ensure basic project metadata is set, as a minimum requirement for all BIM projects.

Feature: Project setup

In order to ensure quality of the digital built environment
As a responsible digital citizen
We expect compliant OpenBIM deliverables

Scenario: Receiving a file
 * The IFC file "{file}" must be provided
 * IFC data must use the {schema} schema

Scenario: Exempt files
 * The IFC file "{file}" is exempt from being provided
 * No further requirements are specified because {reason}

Scenario: Project metadata is organised and correct
 * The project name, code, or short identifier must be "{value}"
 * The project must have a longer form name of "{value}"
 * The project must be described as "{value}"
 * The project must be categorised under "{value}"
 * The project must contain information about the "{value}" phase

Scenario: Project geometry is stored
 * The project must contain 3D geometry representing the shape of objects
 * The project must contain 3D geometry representing clearance zones
 * The project must contain 3D geometry representing the center of gravity of objects
 * The project must contain 3D geometry representing the object bounding boxes

You can fill out the variables using the guide below.

Variable Example Description
{file} project.ifc The filename or path to any IFC file.
{schema} IFC4 The schema version. At the moment, these are likely to be either IFC4 or IFC2X3.
{reason} we don't need it You can write anything here to describe any reason.
{value} Foobar Any text value you expect for a particular attribute or property.