IFC - Industry Foundation Classes/Software Libraries for IFC

From Wiki.OSArch

Software Libraries for working with IFC[edit]

  • IFC.js is a javascript library for handling IFC data
  • Xeokit is a Web Programming Toolkit for AEC Graphics, including IFC
  • IfcOpenShell is a collection of C++ libraries with Python bindings and integration with FreeCAD and Blender
  • IFC-dotnet is a C# IFC library for .NET Core under an MIT license (innactive for several years)
  • XbimEssentials is a .NET library to work with data in the IFC format. This is the core component of the Xbim Toolkit and under a CPPL license
  • GeometryGymIFC C# classes to generate and parse OpenBIM IFC (Industry Foundation Class) files. (GeometryGym is a whole suite of tools and plugins)

There is a discussion on the forum comparing some of these libraries. The IfcOpenShell project has done a study to see exactly how much each open source technology currently is capable of scaling.