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Revision as of 14:08, 2 November 2021 by LaurensJN (talk | contribs) (Change place where to download IfcOpenShell-python with API)
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Install dependencies: CJIO & IfcOpenShell-python

IfcCityJSON is a python library that is based on two libraries: IfcOpenShell (for IFC manipulation) and CJIO (for CityJSON manipulation). These need to be installed first. CJIO (python 3.6+ only) is installed with:

python -m pip install cjio

The IfcOpenShell-python library is needed (with API included). Unfortunately, the API is not yet shipped with the releases on www.ifcopenshell.org/python, but this IfcOpenShell commit has the API included. Copy this folder to your python site-packages folder, that is found under your python folder/Lib (for example: 'C:/Users/user/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/Lib/site-packages').


Now both packages are installed, IfcCityJSON is ready to be used. Download the repo https://github.com/IfcOpenShell/IfcOpenShell and navigate to src/ifccityjson. Open your command prompt in this directory. The following command will execute a conversion from CityJSON to IFC.

python ifccityjson.py [-i input file] [-o output file] [-n name of identification attribute]

So, for example, you would like to convert the file C:/Users/user/Documents/3DBAG.json, where the naming attribute is 'identificatie' this is possible with the following command:

python ifccityjson.py -i C:/Users/user/Documents/3DBAG.json -o C:/Users/user/Documents/3DBAG.ifc -n identificatie

This will provide an IFC file 3DBAG.ifc that can be opened with your favourite IFC viewer!