
From Wiki.OSArch
Revision as of 19:15, 3 October 2022 by Duncan (talk | contribs) (→‎LinkedIn)
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OSArch is a non-proft group and relies on volunteers and building our network of professionals, organizations and companies involved in the projects we support. Having a strong social media presence is part of getting the word out.

There is also a page on who maintains our OSArch_Digital_Infrastructure

Social Media

We have a number of social media accounts, both on free/libre open systems and closed proprietary systems.

Please follow the accounts and share the posts you find interesting.

General discussion about Social Media accounts: https://community.osarch.org/discussion/334/getting-the-message-out-social-media/p1



Outstanding tasks

  • Find and follow accounts for all the software from our software directory. So far User:Duncan has done this as far a OpenDroneMap (2020-12-21)

YouTube / Google

Fosstodon (Mastodon)

We should be bridging this with Twitter maybe using https://moa.party/


A simple telegram channel that sends the news to the subscribers. It is connected to the following RSS feed:

When a news is published in the rss feed, it is also published in this telegram channel. It's done with Feed Reader Bot (https://thefeedreaderbot.com/)

  • Link: https://t.me/OSArchOrg
  • Status: the bridge between rss and Telegram should be done with an FLOSS tool/script
  • Access: the channel can be managed nominating "administrator" a telegram profile. Today the administrators are Massimo, Duncan


An Unofficial sub that collects info and directs interested parties to the OSArch forums.

Video archive

All our videos are archived by jesusbill/jesusbill. So if someone want to do a remix, or when we're ready to switch to Peertube it's all there.



Target Publications & Sites